News list

Microwave-enhanced thermal removal of organochlorine pesticide (chlordecone) from contaminated soils
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Our recent article published in Chemosphere makes some noise...
Here the link to the article:
And another link to a podcast made by France Inter on our work.

PhD Defense of Amphibie thesis at LSAl (PBM unit) on exposome and eco-exposome issues
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Congratulations to Thierno Diallo, who became a Doctor of Analytical Chemistry on February 8. Thierno brilliantly defended his thesis, which focused both on consumer exposure to mixtures of contaminants present in bivalves (mussels and oysters) and on the potential consequences of these molecules on the health of these marine organisms. For a number of years, unexplained deaths of bivalves have been observed along the French Atlantic coast, particularly around La Rochelle. The hypothesis...

PhD defense at the "Pesticides and Marine Biotoxins" unit of the Maisons-Alfort Food Safety Laboratory on Chlordecone and the impact of heat treatment.
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On December 6, Yoann Devriendt-Renault defended his doctoral thesis at the Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort (ENVA) - specializing in Chemistry - in Maisons-Alfort. The thesis, entitled "Du sol à l'assiette - impact des traitements thermiques sur le devenir de la chlordécone (CLD) dans les aliments et les sols antillais", is an integral part of the ANR JCJC AlimOmic project ( The thesis was supervised by Julien Parinet (LSAl-PBM...

PhD defense/ date de soutenance thèse Yassine Makni
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Yassine Makni will do his PhD defense the 22th of November (2 pm) at the Anses/ENVA
His PhD title is:
Iterative evaluation of the multiple potential of LC-HRMS for broad-spectrum multi-residue research in food: a tool for tomorrow's exposome and food safety/Évaluation itérative des potentialités multiples de La LC-HRMS pour la recherche à large spectre de multirésidus dans les aliments : un outil au service de l'exposome et de la sécurit...

QSPR approach introduced at the NACRW conference (Fort Lauderdale, Miami)
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The discovery of unexpected, emerging contaminants and their by-products and metabolites or newly produced pesticides through suspected and non-targeted approaches is gaining more and more attention and open new horizons in many fields such as food safety, ecotoxicology, environment, health… Nevertheless, the process of moving from annotation to identification can be time-consuming, complex and fraught. The prediction of liquid chromatographic retention times (RT) by different approaches...

AlimOmic à l'ACFAS - Mai 2023
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AlimOmic co-organisait avec Dr. Stephane Bayen, Dr. Gaud Dervilly et Dr. Christophe Cordella un colloque sur les techniques modernes d'analyse des aliments dans le cadre de l'ACFAS.
Julien Parinet était conférencier invité, ce qui lui a permis de présenter les travaux réalisés via AlimOmic

Seminar Pablo Gago Ferrero - 12 April 2023
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Pablo Gago Ferrero
I am Ramon y Cajal researcher and the leader of a research team (the Expo-Hum group). My research strives for increased knowledge about the chemical exposome and on the development of methods to measure it (exposomics). I have extensive experience on the application of HRMS for a better understanding of the current environmental and health challenges related to chemicals. My main goal is to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the...

Seminar of Jian Wang (ACIA - Canada) & Jon Wong (US FDA) - February 2023
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In order to start this new cycle of seminars in the WG HRMET (ANSES working group on HRMS and metabolomics), I would like to invite you to listen Jon Wong and Jian Wang on the use and value of HRMS to improve health surveillance.
The seminar will be in English.
- Jon is a researcher at the US FDA (food and drug administration) and a specialist in mass spectrometry and analysis of contaminants and pesticide residues in food
Jon Wong is a...