
Microwave-enhanced thermal removal of organochlorine pesticide (chlordecone) from contaminated soils

Our recent article published in Chemosphere makes some noise......

PhD Defense of Amphibie thesis at LSAl (PBM unit) on exposome and eco-exposome issues

Congratulations to Thierno Diallo, who became a Doctor of Analytical...

PhD defense/ date de soutenance thèse Yassine Makni

Yassine Makni will do his PhD defense the 22th of November (2 pm) at the...

Welcome to the website of AlimOmic project

Quest of Pesticides in Foodstuff by using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry: targeted and untargeted approach

The National Research Agency (ANR) selected in 2019 the ANR JCJC AlimOmic project to continue the quest for pesticides in foodstuffs using high-resolution mass spectrometry by targeted and non-targeted approaches.  It is a four years project with a budget of around 300 Keuros.

The coordinator is: Dr. Julien PARINET (